3 Reasons to Audit Your Estate Planning Website Content

By Foster Web Marketing

As your website expands, older content can go stale. It might be inaccurate or outdated, or it might just be a little out of line with your current brand and messaging. You can’t just delete all that old content because you risk losing leads and getting in trouble with search engines. Unfortunately, the same goes if you just hang on to your old content without making any changes. That’s why we recommend digging a little deeper into your content with a comprehensive website content audit.

A content audit is a systematic review and analysis of all the content on your website. It looks at performance metrics, relevance, accuracy, and alignment with your marketing goals. It also provides valuable insights into what’s working well and what could be improved.

And that brings us to the most important question: how do you know that it’s time to audit the content on your website? While you should be auditing your content periodically just to keep your website in great shape, let’s take a look at three of the biggest reasons to get started on that process right now.  

1. Your Website Traffic and Conversions Are in a Slump

Have you noticed a drop in your website’s traffic or conversions over time? This can be a “red flag” that something is going wrong with your content, especially if you’re pretty sure you’re doing everything else right! 

Our client Steve Richardson ran into this problem back in 2019. He’s a do-it-yourselfer that is very proactive about his website and marketing, and everything had been working well for him for years. When he started noticing a big decline in the number of people visiting his website and converting into new clients, a website content audit was the perfect cure. The process uncovered all the “hidden” problems with his content and gave him an incremental plan to get back on track. 

Just a few months later, his website was attracting and converting visitors again!  

2. Google’s Algorithm Changed Again

Google’s algorithm is constantly changing. Every year, there are major updates that shake up the search world and leave marketers scrambling to catch up. Over the past few years, many of these updates have zeroed in on content. They’ve raised the bar for the quality of content that ranks highly in search. Best practices for optimizing content pages have evolved, too. 

The point is that it doesn’t take all that many algorithm updates to truly wreck the performance of your older content or even get you penalized for using suddenly out-of-date practices!

Ideally, your marketing partners keep you informed about major Google changes and give you enough warning to do something about it. If you see one coming up, and you see that it’s another one focused on content, a content audit is one of the very best things you can do to be prepared. 

It’s also a great way to recover if you were blindsided by an algorithm update! 

3. You Need a Stronger Content Strategy and Don’t Know Where to Start

Content is the real substance of your website. It’s the foundation for a strong organic strategy that drives new clients to your practice, and it’s what helps your clients—past, current, and future—get the answers they need about what you do. 

If you need a more powerful content strategy to accomplish your goals, a website content audit is one of the best tools in your toolbox. It gives you an opportunity to update and revise older content, which is a great start. It also gives you a chance to see where there are gaps in your content, what topics get the most traction, and how you can structure and optimize your content to get the biggest bang for your efforts. 

It’s essentially handing you the roadmap for getting from where you are to where you want to be! And it means that you can launch your new content strategy from a refreshed foundation.  

Content Audits Make Your Marketing More Powerful and Drive More Estate Planning Clients

The most effective estate planning websites are always adapting and growing with you. The more content you add, the more powerful your website becomes for drawing in potential clients and keeping them motivated when they get there. However, you also need to give your older content a periodic check-up to make sure it’s healthy and doing everything it should be doing for your estate planning firm. 

Is your website content attracting and converting new clients? Are you ready for a more powerful content strategy? It’s within your reach. Book an appointment with our team to talk about a comprehensive website content audit, and let us help you get back on track. 


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Since 1998, Foster Web Marketing has provided boutique website design and digital marketing services to lawyers, doctors, and other professionals across the U.S. and around the world. We use our in-house website design, content writing, search engine optimization, and coaching teams to strategize more effective marketing plans for our clients. We also provide powerful marketing software that supports businesses in attracting their “perfect clients” and achieving consistent success online.

Foster Web Marketing is the current web designer of nationally renowned estate planning attorney and Ultimate Estate Planner’s President, Philip Kavesh’s, law firm’s website.  Take a look at www.kaveshlaw.com.

For more information about Foster Web Marketing and to get a free website analysis, click here.



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