“Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.
- John Whitmore
It's great to have tools and resources to help you build, develop, and grow your practice. However, getting the most out of you and your practice sometimes takes a little bit more than just having the tools available. Having some one-on-one attention to answer any questions you have, provide you guidance on what to do, and explore options with the other resources available to you will help you get yourself to the next level of success. The benefit of getting some personal coaching with an expert is clear:
You will see better results.
We are pleased to offer a number of personalized training, consulting, and coaching services to our customers. Some are specific to seminar marketing, executive assistant support, the general estate planning practice, and even managing your practice personnel. Our team is trained to assist our customers in determining what they need and how best we are able to assist them.
I am fortunate to have met Phil and have Phil share with me some of the systems of operating his business. He is one of the few attorneys that is great at both the business and practice of law. I hope that my practice can be as efficient and profitable as Phil’s.
I attended Phil Kavesh’s 90-minute program, ‘How to Find, Hire, Train, Manage and Keep Associate Attorneys’ and this comprehensive program presents Phil’s unique insight into the single most challenging aspect of the law business for the small firm practitioner. The beautiful thing is that Phil explains in detail each and every key to developing a long-term successful associate attorney relationship. From regrooving your mindset to how to review resumes to how to set up compensation, Phil covers it all. I have been looking for something like this for 5 years and I must say that it was well worth the wait!
I have the greatest respect for Phil, not only as an attorney, but also as a marketer, and even more importantly, as a motivator. I have recommended and continue to recommend Phil and The Ultimate Estate Planner’s products and programs to other estate planning attorneys. I think any estate planning attorney that is interested in expanding and growing his or her practice would be well-advised to look into The Ultimate Estate Planner. Thanks again for all that you have done for me!
I have known Phil Kavesh since I attended his very first Boot Camp back in the 1990’s. What I have learned from Phil over the years about marketing a profession has gone a long way toward making me what I am today—a practitioner who, with only one associate, generates over two million dollars in fees every year. Moreover, our firm has now been achieving this level of success for over twenty years running. That training that Phil provides has multiplied itself exponentially for us and we owe him a large debt of gratitude. Thank you, Phil!
Phil, thanks for your article in the Wall Street Journal (“The $5 Million Tax Break”, January 2011). I thoroughly enjoyed it and it recharged my batteries. I look forward to reading future articles from you!
Phil Kavesh possesses that unique combination of technical competence and marketing genius. He does his homework when it comes to staying on top of the legal and tax issues affecting estate planning. His legal document forms pass master with the most skilled draftsmen. Over the years, Phil has developed a knack for practice-development and the hands-on skill to teach it to other professionals. I have learned much from Phil; he’s helped me formulate planning strategies to attract high level clients. He has also taught me how to get them committed to working with me and how to “close” the case with a satisfied client who is eager to refer his family and friends to me. My law practice is clearly more profitable thanks to Phil’s help over the years and it’s a true gift that he’s providing these products and services to others through The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc.
In my 37 years of going to these kinds of meetings, [Phil’s presentation] was one of the useful! He kept very complex ideas very simple and easy to understand. Thank you!
Phil Kavesh knows how to motivate prospects to become clients and he is an acknowledged master at showing professionals how to tell the truth compellingly and attractively. He also knows how to provide quality professional client service. Any attorney or financial advisor committed to helping people make tough decisions that can improve their lives should consider Phil, his products and his programs. The information age makes so much information available that many people simply can’t decide what to do or who to trust. Phil teaches professionals how to gain client trust with truthful education that motivates prospective clients to take action. The key to success in a professional business is serving clients, not merely learning techniques. Phil is someone who can show you how to do both well.
Not sure what you’re looking for or what we have available to help you and your practice? No problem! Let us help you.
I am thankful every day since meeting Phil back in Las Vegas in 1993. His systems, systems, systems are great! I can’t thank Phil enough for showing me the way!