5 Best Types of Video for Marketing Your Estate Planning Practice

By Foster Web Marketing

Video is an incredible tool for connecting with potential clients and encouraging them to reach out to your estate planning firm. It’s a powerful motivator on its own, and it’s a powerful force multiplier when you incorporate it into a healthy marketing mix. And it makes sense—video demands attention, enhances understanding, and builds relationships faster than text alone.

However, not just any kind of video content will do. You need to be intentional about the kinds of videos you create if you want to see results from your effort and investment.

So, today, let’s take a look at the 5 best types of video content for marketing your estate planning practice, as well as how each type helps connect you with the perfect potential clients for your firm.

1. Videos That Educate and Explain

When you break down complex legal concepts, explain estate planning processes, and share guidance, you answer the questions that people get online to ask. You also make it easier for potential clients to understand and appreciate the value your firm offers. Some popular ways to do educational videos include:

  • FAQ videos. FAQ videos allow you to address common questions clients may have, which alleviates concerns and showcases your law firm as approachable and helpful.
  • Explainer videos. Explainer videos are perfect for simplifying legal jargon or complex legal processes. Using these videos, you can demonstrate your expertise, give people a “sneak peek” into what it’s like to work with you, and help potential clients feel more confident about choosing your law firm.

2. Videos That Build Trust and Show What You Do for Estate Planning Clients

Through video, you can show potential clients who you are and what you do, and it’s even better when you can show them through the memorable stories of people you’ve already helped. That’s why the following types of videos are so effective:

  • Testimonial videos. Featuring happy clients who have worked with your law firm is an excellent way to build trust and credibility. Testimonials give potential clients firsthand accounts of the quality of your services and the satisfaction of your existing clients.
  • Case study videos. Highlighting successful cases your law firm has handled shows potential clients what they can expect from your services. These videos can be particularly effective in demonstrating your expertise in specific areas of law and can attract clients with similar legal needs.

3. Videos That Calm Pre-Client Anxiety

People often need some assurance before they choose an estate planning attorney. They want to know that they’re in good hands, and they want to know that they’re making a smart choice. So, along with your testimonial and case study videos, you might consider including:

  • Behind-the-scenes videos. Showcasing the daily workings of your law firm in behind-the-scenes videos can help potential clients feel more at ease. By giving them a glimpse of your firm’s culture and location, you can alleviate any stress or anxiety they may have about coming in to meet with you.
  • Lawyer and staff introductions. Introducing your lawyers and staff in a video format can create a sense of familiarity and comfort for potential clients. It allows them to get to know the people they’ll be working with, which can help build trust and confidence in your law firm.

4. Videos That Show Your Estate Planning Expertise

Potential clients want to see and understand your expertise in estate planning, but they don’t want a list of your degrees and accolades. Instead, they want you to show them that you know your stuff. That’s why the following types of videos can be helpful in bringing more potential clients to your practice:

  • Q&A sessions. Hosting live or recorded question-and-answer sessions allows you to interact directly with potential clients, helps establish your firm as an authority in your field, and provides valuable insights to your audience.
  • Guest interviews. Starting a podcast, being a podcast guest, and participating in media interviews are all innovative ways to show your expertise, knowledge, and passion. These videos can support your other content and show potential clients that you’re an authority that is recognized and respected in your field.

5. Videos That Show Your Commitment to People and Community

And, finally, people want to work with businesses that are local and care about the communities they live and work in. Don’t be shy—go ahead and show that you care through:

  • Webinars. Hosting live or recorded webinars enables your law firm to engage directly with your audience. Webinars allow you to provide valuable insights while and fostering connections with potential clients and referral sources.
  • Footage of office events and charity involvement. Sharing footage of office events and your law firm’s charity involvement demonstrates your commitment to the community. This can be an effective way to humanize your firm and attract clients who value socially responsible businesses.

Get a Video Package That Connects You With More Clients and Referral Sources

Incorporating video content into your estate planning firm’s marketing strategy can help build trust, showcase expertise, and set your firm apart from your competition. And it works best when you develop a comprehensive video marketing plan that drives results and attracts new clients in a variety of ways.

Interested in adding more video to your marketing mix? Foster Web Marketing offers flexible video packages that can include educational videos, social media videos, case result and testimonials videos, office tours—whatever you need. Learn more about our video packages here, or give us a call at 888.886.0939.



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Since 1998, Foster Web Marketing has provided boutique website design and digital marketing services to lawyers, doctors, and other professionals across the U.S. and around the world. We use our in-house website design, content writing, search engine optimization, and coaching teams to strategize more effective marketing plans for our clients. We also provide powerful marketing software that supports businesses in attracting their “perfect clients” and achieving consistent success online.

Foster Web Marketing is the current web designer of nationally renowned estate planning attorney and Ultimate Estate Planner’s President, Philip Kavesh’s, law firm’s website.  Take a look at www.kaveshlaw.com.

For more information about Foster Web Marketing and to get a free website analysis, click here.



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