Could Your Seminar Marketing
Do A Lot Better?
(Or have you thought about doing seminars,
but never did because you didn’t know how
or were too afraid to try?)
No doubt, seminars - - whether to the public, your own clients or potential referral sources - - are an extremely effective way to drive consistent revenue to your firm, when done right.
The problem is, most estate planning professionals haven’t been taught how to plan, market and effectively present seminars that, time after time, consistently produce a healthy return on investment.
Most seminar presenters unfortunately rely on trial and error as their teacher, or learn from others who really haven’t perfected the success formula. Or, worse yet, many are learning how to do seminar marketing from those who aren’t even doing seminars - - right here and right now in today’s highly competitive estate planning market.
Fortunately, you have the unique opportunity to learn directly from an expert who has perfected the seminar success formula and continues to profitably apply that formula right now in his own law practice - - nationally renowned estate planning attorney, Philip Kavesh.
Over his 36-year career, Phil has personally presented thousands of seminars, tried just about everything, and has distilled down what’s proven to work into a definite, scientific formula. One that, even to this day, consistently generates over $1.5 million of revenue for his law firm each year, and over $3.5 million of financial and insurance revenue a year for his affiliated financial advisory firm. (By the way, if that’s not enough proof that Phil’s seminar “formula” works, or if you think it’s too dependent on his unique skills, Phil has trained others in his firm to now successfully do his seminars, as well as taught other attorneys throughout the country who have duplicated his results!)
Whether you’re an estate planning attorney, financial advisor, life insurance or annuity agent, for the first time ever Phil will share with you his seminar success formula in detail on three 90-minute presentations entitled, “Everything You Need to Know About How to Successfully Plan, Market, Facilitate & Present Successful Estate Planning Seminars - - A Special 3-Part Series”.
Here’s just a snapshot of the critical items you will learn and be able to implement right away (and even if you’re already doing some of these things right, you’ll pick up some key details that will exponentially increase your results):
PART 1: The 10 Key Planning & Marketing Steps for Successful Seminars
In the first program, entitled, “The 10 Key Planning & Marketing Steps for Successful Seminars”, you will learn:
- How to start up your seminar marketing with little or no cash
- What a reasonable seminar budget - - and expected return on investment - - should look like
- Who you should market a seminar to and how to target them with your marketing
- When are the best days and times for seminars
- Where are the best venues and how to do a “site inspection”
- Should you provide a meal and, if so, should it be breakfast, lunch or dinner? (And should you feed people before or after you present your seminar?)
- What are the 7 key components every effective marketing piece must contain (or, if they’re missing, will doom it to failure!)
- What are the best and most cost-effective ways to deliver your marketing, with a comparison of newsletters, website, newspaper, radio, television, and direct mail (and the critical details of each)
- How to track response results so you can improve your marketing pieces
- How reservations and confirmations should be properly handled
- And much more, including various invaluable checklists and forms!
PART 2: Proper Staff Support - - The Days Before the Seminar, During the Seminar & Immediately Afterwards
In the second program, entitled, “Proper Staff Support - - The Days Before the Seminar, During the Seminar & Immediately Afterwards”, you will learn:
- How to select and train the right staff members to manage your seminar marketing and set up and facilitate your seminars
- What the seminar facilitators’ tasks are and how to determine how many should be at the seminar
- Which staff tasks can be farmed out to third-parties and which shouldn’t be
- The critical day before “packing list” that must always be used (so you don’t lack that one thing you’ll need when “Murphy” shows up at your seminar)
- How to set up the seminar room for maximum results
- What the facilitators should say and do at the seminar - - and not say and do - - so you make appointments with over 80% of attendees, right there at the seminar!
- Key follow-up steps after the seminar, which will directly impact your profit (or loss!)
- What reports must be generated the day after, a week after, and a month after - - so you can hold everyone accountable and continue to perfect your system and results!
PART 3: Successful Speaker Presentation Techniques
In the third and final program, entitled, “Successful Speaker Presentation Techniques”, you will learn:
- How to most effectively lay out the contents of the seminar - - the right stuff and in the right order
- The key part of a seminar that most speakers fail to think through and budget enough time for (and winds up killing their results!)
- The portions of a seminar that the speaker must commit to memory or “script” (only about 10 to 20 minutes that make all of the difference in your results) - - and how to do this easily and effectively
- The very first things you must always do when you arrive at your seminar venue
- How to calm your pre-seminar jitters and start strong and confident
- What to do with your eyes, your voice, and even your hands and feet while you’re speaking!
- How to keep on track and on time while you’re speaking
- When and how to use humor - - and not!
- What to do when you forget something or make a mistake!
- How to properly use the Question & Answer period at the end, so you make more appointments
- How to use a special Certificate, and other “props” to boost your results
- Whether you should talk about your fees and how
- And much, much more!
If you’re looking to improve your current seminar marketing efforts, or are thinking about doing seminars for the first time, or have given up on seminars but would reconsider doing them again the right way, this special 3-part presentation series is a must for you.
Your purchase of the On-Demand Program includes: Downloadable PDF handout materials and the MP3 audio recordings. You can also add on the PDF transcripts to your purchase during the checkout process for an additional fee.
- Program Title: Everything You Need to Know About How to Successfully Plan, Market, Facilitate & Present Successful Estate Planning Seminars – A Special 3-Part Series
- Speaker: Philip J. Kavesh
- Duration: 90 minutes
Philip J. Kavesh
J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law

Philip J. Kavesh is a nationally recognized attorney, authority, speaker, educator and technical innovator in estate planning. Phil has earned significant recognition and accolades over his approximately 40 years of practice as an estate planning attorney. Phil holds a Master’s Degree (LL.M.) in Tax Law and is a California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law. He also has been awarded the Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Financial Consultant designations. Phil has served his fellow estate planning and financial professionals by teaching in the Golden Gate University Graduate Tax Degree and Certified Financial Planner programs. Phil…
The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc. and the presenter are not registered Continuing Education Sponsors and this program is not pre-approved for continuing education credit for any state or regulatory agency.
However, please note that each program includes a Certificate of Completion and, depending on the license and the regulatory agency for which governs a participant’s CE credit, some professionals may be able to self-report his or her participation and receive credit. It is the responsibility of the participant to complete any process necessary to seek self-reported CE credit for his or her participation. By registering for a teleconference (or purchasing on On-Demand program), you understand that CE credit is not guaranteed or warranted by the presenter or The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc.