The Top 10 Seminar Planning & Marketing Mistakes Attorneys Make!

Download Printable Article By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law We’ve indicated time and time again in this newsletter column why seminar marketing – – whether to the public, to professional referral sources, or to your existing clients – – can drive substantial, consistent revenue into your practice (and has, for me, for over 30 years). But, successful seminar results depend on the details of your seminar marketing being done right. Some estate planning professionals ignore, or simply aren’t aware of, these details and their seminar…

Our Best Articles on Marketing

As part of our December 2014 Newsletter, we are featuring a special “Best Of” issue.  Below, you will find a list of our Best Articles on Marketing. These articles are written by a variety of financial and estate planning professionals, as noted below. Successful Seminar Marketing 101: Tips for Getting Started by Philip J. Kavesh The Top 10 Marketing Must-Do’s for Estate Planners by Jennifer Goddard, CEO & James Campbell, Vice President, Integrity Marketing Solutions The Top 20 Seminar Marketing Mistakes – Part 1 and Part 2 by Philip J. Kavesh 7 Tips for Making More Appointments – – Right…

Referring Advisors – Shelf Life?

By Joseph J. Strazzeri, Esq. Each year we conduct the same exercise of compiling a list of each advisor that referred us a client over the last two years – noting how many clients were referred, those that we met with, those that retained us, and the associated total revenue. Some of the results are what we expected to see, but often we are shocked that many were one-time referrals and worse, too many great referral relationships have drifted away. “I worked with him once, but . . .” After many industry events and presentations, filtering through an unknown number…

More Clients, Better Clients

By Joseph J. Strazzeri, Esq. Quality referrals are the lifeblood of a growing practice. New clients tend to come from one of four sources: 1) current clients, 2) other advisors, 3) educational events, and 4) the internet. For the practitioner that does the technical work and markets the firm, it is critical to understand whether you want more clients and/or better clients, and to have a plan on how to obtain them – because there is only so much time in a month. Time management and a team-driven, repeatable process offer not only a great business solution but a quality…

I Had a Successful Practice, Now What?

By Joseph J. Strazzeri, Esq. At industry conferences you hear it all the time. The first day is all about friends connecting and sharing their successes since they last saw each other. Over dinner and wine, or maybe the next day, you start to hear the challenges they are facing such as fewer clients, lower compensation, more hours, and administrative team breakdowns. Practitioners that have been in the business more than half-a-dozen years have seen these ups and downs of market driven forces, and they no longer try to address the symptoms, but rather the underlying cause. Understanding that the…

The Top 20 Seminar Marketing Mistakes People Make (Part 1 of 2)

By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law | Volume 2, Issue 6 (June 2014) Marketing – – particularly seminar marketing – – has come up quite a bit in recent weeks.  From those attending our May Ultimate Level event, to list serve discussions, to people randomly contacting me.  It prompted me to take a break from the usual practice-building topic and put together an article on seminar marketing. Over the years, seminar presentations sure have evolved, from overhead transparencies, to slide carousel projectors to laptops and…

NEW SERVICE: Personal Consultation on Seminar Marketing with Ultimate Estate Planner Executive Director, Kristina Schneider

Think seminar marketing is dead? Not finding the same results with seminars as you used to? Your results may be due to some very important details, systems and procedures that you aren’t doing correctly (or even at all!). The devil is in the details and not following the tested and proven procedures for successfully implementing seminars may severely impact your seminar results. If you’re not regularly getting business from seminars, closing over 75% of your seminar attendees and over 75% of those coming in from your seminars, you might benefit from this brand new expert consultation we are now offering….

New White Paper: “How to Handle the Q&A Session at the End of a Living Trust Seminar”

Holding a Questions & Answers Session at the conclusion of a seminar presentation is always important, but perhaps not for the reasons that you might think. The Q&A session of a retail seminar, geared to generate business from either your existing clients or prospective new clients, is a great opportunity to develop interaction between you (the speaker) and the audience. It’s also an opportunity for you to find out what issues people are most concerned with. Keep in mind, while it might be tempting to want to completely answer each question you get, you don’t want to get into too…

How to Help Your Clients’ Adult Children

Reposted from | By Kevin McKinley Giving the young adults in your clients’ families a little time and attention can be beneficial for everyone involved. Most advisors are most interested in working with individuals who have the most money to manage. This usually means those who are about to retire or have just done so. But many of these clients have one thing on their minds that may be even more important and worrisome to them than their money: their fully-grown (if not yet fully-matured) children. Helping the next generation get off on the right financial foot could be…

Lawyers & Social Media – What You Need to Know

By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law I just finished the last educational program needed to meet my continuing legal education requirements for my California State Bar license. I took an on-demand course that I thought was not only timely and relevant, given that I have recently done quite a bit of work with my law firm (and with The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc.), with respect to this topic, but also a topic that many attorneys should be looking into as well. The course I took…