Frank Aragona Trust: What Now Constitutes Trustee “Material Participation”?

By Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished), CGMA | Volume 2, Issue 5 (May 2014) [1] In Frank Aragona Trust v. Commissioner, the U.S. Tax Court held that a trust can qualify for the IRC Section 469(c)(7) real estate professional exception.[2] Furthermore, the court held that the trust materially participated in real property businesses it owned.  Don’t get excited quite yet, though. Although the holding that a trust can be a real estate professional is very favorable, the case does little to resolve the issue of whose participation can be counted for purposes of determining whether a trust materially participates in an…

Robert Keebler’s Net Investment Income Tax Bundle Package

Many professionals have expressed a desire for further assistance with the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax (“NIIT”) and completion of new IRS Form 8960. In recent weeks, we have enlisted the help of nationally renowned CPA and tax expert, Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished) to present on several topics on NIIT. You can spend hours deciphering Internal Revenue Code Section 1411, the final regs and the instructions for Form 8960. But, as tax professionals, we know that your time is limited and you may not have time to wait to get the help that you need right away…

Form 8960—The Net Investment Income Tax

By Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished) | Volume 2, Issue 2 (February 2014) In 2013, a new tax planning focus area, the net investment income tax (NIIT), was added to the already long list of hot topics all trust and estate practitioners must understand– charitable trusts, gain harvesting, loss harvesting, income smoothing strategies, income shifting strategies, asset protection trusts, tax-aware investing, decanting, portability, advanced strategies for clients with taxable estates, etc. While the NIIT is far from clear in some areas, parts of this new tax planning focus area have recently been clarified through the release of the…

Final IRS Form 8960 Released Today

The IRS published the final Form 8960, for computing the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax for individuals, trusts and estates. To download final Form 8960, click here. Also, don’t forget to register for our special 90-minute teleconference with nationally renowned CPA, Robert Keebler on Thursday, February 6th at 9am Pacific Time (12pm Eastern Time) for a detailed walk-through of Form 8960. For more information and to register, click here.

Robert Keebler’s 2014 Tax Planning Success Kit

More and more, you’re seeing clients (and prospects) turning their attention away from traditional estate tax and financial planning and toward income tax reduction and asset protection. Why? Because of ATRA’s higher ordinary and income tax rates, higher capital gains tax rates, deduction phase-outs and higher estate tax exemption, Obamacare’s “net investment income “surtax”, a higher estate tax exemption, and an increasingly lawsuit-happy society! Fortunately, it’s not difficult to re-tool your practice to meet this new demand for income tax and asset protection planning. You just need to “tweak” how you use many of the techniques already in your bag…

BREAKING NEWS: IRS Releases Draft Instructions for Form 8960 and Draft Form 8960, Net Investment Income Tax

The IRS has just released highly anticipated draft instructions for Form 8960 for computing the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax for individuals, trusts and estates. To download draft Form 8960, click here. To download the draft instructions, click here. In anticipation of the release of Form 8960, we have already coordinated a special, timely teleconference with nationally renowned CPA, Robert Keebler on Thursday, February 6th at 9am Pacific Time for a detailed walk-through of Form 8960. For more information and to register, click here. You might also be interested in our upcoming teleconference tomorrow entitled, “A Detailed Analysis of the…

The Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT)—After the Final Regulations

  By Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished) | Volume 2, Issue 1 (January 2014) The Final Regulations for Section 1411 and the NIIT were released on December 2, 2013. Along with the release of the Final Regulations, new 2013 Proposed Regulations were also released. While the Final Regulations generally made the 2012 Proposed Regulations final, there were some very interesting changes and additions made in both the Final Regulations and the 2013 Proposed Regulations. This article will point out some of the more interesting aspects of the Regulations. Properly Allocable Deductions Although the Final Regulations retained the requirement…

NEW SOFTWARE – Robert Keebler’s Complete Net Investment Income Tax (“NIIT”) Calculator

With the recent announcement about the release of the final regs for the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax, nationally renowned CPA, Robert S. Keebler, has released a new calculator to help estate planning professionals run the numbers for clients with his Complete Net Investment Income Tax (“NIIT”) Calculator. This is a unique calculator that allow you to input the necessary income and expenses for filling out the DRAFT versions of Form 8959 (the 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax Form) and Form 8960 (the 3.8% Net Investment Income Tax Form). These inputs are then transferred directly to the corresponding IRS Form and…

Explaining Trust Income Strategies: An End-of-the-Year Q&A

Reproduced with the expressed written consent and permission from Robert L. Moshman, Esq., author of the The Estate Analyst. To contact Bob Moshman to be included on his distribution list of his monthly newsletter, e-mail Bob at “This is the end, beautiful friend, This is the end, my only friend. The end of our elaborate plans, The end of everything that stands, The end, no safety no surprise, The end, I’ll never look into your eyes again.” —Jim Morrison The waning moments of the year sometimes provide an opportunity for several gratifying tax-saving adjustments. On the other hand, dramatic…

NEW CHART: Robert Keebler’s 2013 Year-End Tax Planning Chart

BRAND NEW—The 2013 Year-End Tax Planning Chart We are pleased to announce the release of Robert Keebler’s new 2013 Year-End Tax Planning Chart. This chart covers the Top 10 Tax Planning Ideas for 2013 including a further look at Roth Conversions, Harvesting Capital Gains, Gain Harvesting on Investments, PEP/PEASE and the 3.8% Healthcare Surtax. This chart takes a number of Bob’s charts and combines them on an easy-to-follow and simple chart to share with your clients and referral sources. NOTE: The 2013 Year-End Tax Planning Chart is available for purchase on our new credit card processing system and is not…