5 Reasons Your Email Marketing Campaigns Aren’t Working

By Foster Web Marketing Email marketing has been around for a while, but don’t underestimate its value. It is still a cost-effective and direct way to nurture your active estate planning clients, promote niche services, and bring in new business for your law firm.   However, for all the benefits, a lot of law firms end up frustrated with email marketing. They feel like they put a lot of time and effort into crafting and launching email campaigns, only to be disappointed by the results. If you’ve ever labored over creating a newsletter, campaign, or outreach email that didn’t perform as…

Blow Up Your Annual Client Maintenance Program!

By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law In this article, I addressed the marketplace issues confronting estate planning attorneys, in particular commoditization of our “products” and increasing low price competition.  One of the ways that I discussed to combat these issues is to emphasize how your “product” is better than your competitors’.  Another way to differentiate yourself is to emphasize your “service after the sale.”  When someone purchases a car, he or she wants to know what kind of service or maintenance program is available and what…

Shohei Ohtani and the Choice of Trustee

By Steven J. Oshins, Esq., AEP (Distinguished) Anybody who follows sports knows about Shohei Ohtani’s former best friend and interpreter (Ippei Mizuhara) stealing more than $16 million from Ohtani’s bank account to fund his gambling addiction. Ohtani is the modern-day Babe Ruth on the baseball field, but he clearly has bad taste in friends, at least with respect to Ippei Mizuhara. Choosing Trustees When our clients form trusts, they make decisions about current and successor trustees and who can remove and replace trustees. It is likely that Ohtani selected (or would have selected if he hasn’t yet formed any trusts)…

64 Years of Combined Experience Running a Successful Estate Planning Practice

An Interview of Phil Kavesh’s Two Most Senior Employees Interview by Kristina Schneider, Practice Success Coach I had the most amazing experience to go on a trip with nationally renowned estate planning attorney and Ultimate Estate Planning Attorney, Phil Kavesh’s, Law Firm Office Manager (Arlyn V. or “AV”).  We went out to Florida to visit with his Senior Estate Planning Paralegal (Elaine A. or “EYA”).  Elaine just celebrated her 34th anniversary working for Phil and Arlyn will be celebrating 30 years this August. During our trip, not only did we get the opportunity to stop by a client’s office and…