Summer Vacation Might Be Different This Year, But Be Sure to Take a Break!

By Kristina Schneider, Practice-Building & Marketing Specialist

There is no denying that this summer feels is different.  No, let me actually just call it for what it is—IT IS WEIRD!  

With all that’s going on in 2020, there’s no telling what tomorrow will bring (did we miss the murder hornets, cause it feels like we skipped those…).  This comes as here in California, we just got ordered back to working from home and a lot of things that just opened up less than a month ago are closed back up.

All that being said, I have found myself thinking that it seems silly to take a vacation this year, because where is there to go right now?  Every July, I was always so used to a week-long work trip for WealthCounsel’s National Conference.  I would usually extend that tri to be an added vacation away. This year they, like so many (including us) had to cancel their conference.  In the past, I have taken some extended time around the 4th of July holiday and that didn’t happen this year.  And in the late summer, I’m usually gearing up for an annual basketball tournament in Las Vegas and that too, of course, is cancelled.

But, Summer Does NOT Have to Be Cancelled!

Summer is usually a time that so many of us finally take family vacations, particularly those with kids who are out of school.  However, since most kids have been home from school and destination vacations don’t really seem possible or safe to do, it’s easy to write off this summer as CANCELLED.  But, it doesn’t have to be and it shouldn’t be.

In fact, I would say that now more than ever is a reason to consider taking time off away from the business.  The past few months have been stressful and mentally, physically, and emotionally draining for so many people.  I’ve talked to some of our attorney clients and they’ve been working 6 and 7 days a week since things got shut down.  Those working from home have had an even harder time taking a break from work, because work is home and home is work.  The lines are blurred and, more than ever, we are having to work amidst all the other things going on.

I have had some attorney-clients share that they are taking time off.  Some have kids going away for college in the fall and some who are enjoying camping and extended weekend trips away.  I have another attorney-client of ours that is making a point to take every other Friday off from the office, just to get that mental break.

I’ve looked at the calendar myself this summer and am already planning some intentional time off and I really do encourage you to do the same.  Here is a link to an article with some safe vacation ideas this summer amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

In conclusion, work will always be there.  But, you are doing yourself, your employees, and your clients a disservice when you aren’t your best self.  You know what I mean.  When you have a great work-life balance.  Your batteries are recharged.  When you aren’t burning the candle at both ends.  So, take a look at the calendar and find time where you can take some time off and disconnect the phone, e-mail, and unplug and take that vacation this summer that you perhaps don’t really want, but rather you need.  You will be glad you did and may just surprise yourself how much good that time away can bring you!


The Ultimate Level is an event unlike any other you’ve ever attended.  It helps teach all of the things you’ve never learned in law school or in any continuing education events about how to actually develop, set up, run, and manage your law practice.  It also covers marketing and how to drive in revenue into your firm, including a component about how to market your firm during these challenging times.

What used to be a 2-day live event has now been converted into a 3-part interactive webinar that you and your entire firm can attend from the convenience of your own office (or home).  We have some scheduled throughout this summer.  Now is the time to join us.  Plus, you will want to act now because you and your entire firm can attend for $0 down and $199 per month for 6 months.  For more information and details, click here.

We hope that you’ll join us!


Kristina Schneider is the current Executive Director of The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc.  She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Pepperdine University in 2004 and was hired right out of college to work for the Law Firm of Kavesh, Minor & Otis, coordinating and facilitating Philip Kavesh’s “Missing Link” Boot Camps while also providing administrative support to Mr. Kavesh as his Executive Assistant for over seven years.  Through her direct hands-on experience in Mr. Kavesh’s law firm, Kristina has been able to assist numerous estate planning professionals through The Ultimate Estate Planner and, equally as important, many of their staff members, in the successful implementation of Ultimate Estate Planner’s products and systems. You can reach Kristina at (424) 247-9495 or by e-mail at

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