Imagine If You Could Regularly…
Predict Your Practice’s Cash Flow and Profit - -
Plus Identify Any Weaknesses or Problems
Standing in the Way and Correct Them
Immediately - - So You Always Stay on Track
Toward Your Financial Success
(And Rarely Suffer A Negative Month?)
There is a Tested and Proven Way. It’s called “Metrics”!
You may have heard of the use of numbers or “metrics” in sports, to measure the performance of a team and its individual players and act as a gauge or predictor of overall success.
Well, it’s easy to think of numbers, statistics, and mathematical averages and formulas when it comes to sports, but do these same kind of measuring tools apply to an estate planning practice?
The answer, believe it or not, is a resounding, “YES!”
Estate planning attorney Philip Kavesh and his law firm have, over many years, tested and proven that metrics do work - - so well, in fact, that Phil now successfully manages his practice while only going into the office less than 3 days a month!
Virtually all activity in a law practice can be mathematically measured and, when consistently tracked and analyzed properly, can be a reliable predictor of current and future financial success. Metrics is not merely about tracking deposits, receivables and expenses; it’s much, much more. And metrics can be useful management tools even if you only have a 2 or 3 person firm!
Our president, attorney Philip Kavesh, prepared a power-packed presentation entitled, “Managing a Successful Estate Planning Practice Through the Use of Metrics”. During this 94-minute presentation, you will learn:
- How to see (probably for the first time ever) what’s really going on in your practice, under the surface!
- Which specific items, processes, procedures, and results to regularly measure in your practice
- How to set up your measurement systems and generate regular reports (Phil will even share his own internal forms!)
- How to analyze the gathered numbers and apply them to predict your firm’s cash flow and profits, spot “red flags” and make course corrections as necessary, so you have few, if any, down months
- How to use metrics to hold your associate attorneys and staff accountable, and motivate and reward them - - so you keep them with you long-term!
- How to use metrics to make informed management decisions on everything from setting fees, marketing, evaluating, hiring and firing personnel, and improving product quality and customer service!
- And much, much more!
If you’re an estate planning attorney or other professional who is looking to grow your practice and bottom line and eventually be able to retire someday, you must attend this incredibly valuable presentation.
Your purchase includes an instantly downloadable video and audio recording, along with PDF handout materials. You get all of this and more for your office for just $249. A PDF transcript is also available as an add-on for an additional fee.
- Program Title: Managing a Successful Estate Planning Practice Through the Use of Metrics
- Speaker: Philip J. Kavesh
- Duration: 94 Minutes
Philip J. Kavesh
J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law

Philip J. Kavesh is a nationally recognized attorney, authority, speaker, educator and technical innovator in estate planning. Phil has earned significant recognition and accolades over his approximately 40 years of practice as an estate planning attorney. Phil holds a Master’s Degree (LL.M.) in Tax Law and is a California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law. He also has been awarded the Certified Financial Planner and Chartered Financial Consultant designations. Phil has served his fellow estate planning and financial professionals by teaching in the Golden Gate University Graduate Tax Degree and Certified Financial Planner programs. Phil…
The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc. and the presenter are not registered Continuing Education Sponsors and this program is not pre-approved for continuing education credit for any state or regulatory agency.
However, please note that each program includes a Certificate of Completion and, depending on the license and the regulatory agency for which governs a participant’s CE credit, some professionals may be able to self-report his or her participation and receive credit. It is the responsibility of the participant to complete any process necessary to seek self-reported CE credit for his or her participation. By registering for a teleconference (or purchasing on On-Demand program), you understand that CE credit is not guaranteed or warranted by the presenter or The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc.