“The Top 10 Estate Planning Mistakes People Make” Free Report for Clients & Prospects

If only you had this easy to use “Free Report”…

The 10 Biggest Estate Planning
Mistakes People Make
(and How to Avoid Them!)

A lot of professionals spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars (or their own time) on marketing. They have fancy websites, brochures, even radio or television shows or advertisements. They have companies putting up social media content. They’re doing videos on YouTube and TikTok. All that and they really have no direct revenue results to their marketing efforts. A hook that can capture leads who are interested, but not ready to make a commitment to attend a seminar or schedule a consultation.

If you have no tool to convert your audience into qualified leads whom you can follow up with and actually engage your services, then what’s the point?

For decades now, nationally renowned estate planning attorney, Philip Kavesh, has utilized several free lead-generation reports to help drive qualified, serious leads to his law firm.

And now, his tested and proven lead-generation report entitled, “The 10 Biggest Estate Planning Mistakes People Make (and How to Avoid Them!)” is available to you and other estate planners to customize and use in your practice too, to get bottom-line results! LEARN MORE

This 24-page report incorporates Phil’s over 40 years of experience in the estate planning industry. His law firm has utilized this report for many years, on a local television show, in his firm’s monthly newsletter, in seminar flyers, and on his law firm’s website to help gather prospective client leads. This report can be distributed to prospects through your referral sources, as well.

This report is available to you in a form that you can modify and customize to your liking, but frankly, you won’t need to do much or any changes since it is generic enough to be used by attorneys and advisors from all states. It’s a great way to get valuable information out to prospects and motivate them to want to come in and meet with you to get their estate planning done.

The “The Top 10 Estate Planning Mistakes People Make” Free Report for Clients & Prospects is regularly a one-time fee of just $695.   The revenue that you can (and will!) generate from this report will far exceed your investment!

What’s Included?

“The Top 10 Estate Planning Mistakes People Make” Free Report for Clients & Prospects comes with:

  • Modifiable 24-page Microsoft Word document so that you can modify the report to your firm’s name, brand, colors, etc.
  • Implementation Instructions

NOTE: While intended to be generic enough for universal applicability, purchasers will need to review the report to ensure it meets any and all firm-specific services and any particular issues that may be specific to your state. We have even highlighted any areas that may require customization or make reference to issues that may be specific to California.  Not available for sale to purchasers in Los Angeles or Orange County, California.

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