ABA Heckerling Reports from the 2016 Heckerling Institute

For the past 17 years, the American Bar Association Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law with the permission of the University of Miami School of Law, releases several extensive reports highlighting the various lectures and proceedings of the Heckerling Institute, one of the nation’s largest estate planning conferences, held every year in January. This past January 2016, marked the 50th Annual Heckerling Institute.  To view, download and access these extensive reports, please click here to visit the ABA’s website. Further, at the above website, you can also access reports from prior Heckerling Institutes as well. We, at The…

BREAKING NEWS: Important Updates from Robert Keebler

Thanks to the generosity of Stephan Leimberg and Leimberg Information Services, we are pleased to bring to you complimentary podcasts on the following important updates. IRS Approves Extension of Time to Recharacterize a Roth IRA The IRS has published Private Letter Ruling 201506015, in which they have granted the taxpayer an extension of time to recharacterize a Roth IRA.  The taxpayer had learned that the account value had declined due to fraud by an investment manager after the deadline for recharacterizing had passed. To listen to these complimentary podcast, see below: The Administration’s 2016 Budget Proposals The Administration has released…

Year-End Roth Conversion Planning

  By Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished) Roth IRA conversions are an important part of bracket management and can be used to avoid the 3.8% net investment income tax (NIIT) and the higher income tax brackets. While some of the benefits of Roth IRA conversions may require a longer period of time to produce, these conversions are still an important strategy to consider at year-end. Advantages of a Roth IRA Roth IRAs have a number of advantages over traditional IRAs: Lower overall taxable income long-term; Tax-free, rather than tax-deferred growth; No required minimum distributions (RMDs) at age 70½;…

The Real Deal with IRAs and Lawsuit Protection

Reproduced with permission from Jeffrey M. Verdon Law Group, LLP. There are very few assets we own that are more sacred than our retirement plans. Under general legal principles and public policy, most jurisdictions exempt retirement accounts, such as 401Ks and IRAs, from creditors. However, in a recent court case, the so-called “inherited IRA,” was held not to have such “firewall” creditor protection. An inherited IRA is nothing more than an IRA that is passed from the owner of an IRA at his or her death to the designated beneficiary. In general, sound public policy supports the stance that because…

Watch a Complimentary Webinar on Recent Updates for Inherited IRAs

Robert Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished), CGMA, and Michael J. Jones, CPA recently presented a webinar for Trusts & Estates Magazine, discussing recent updates on Inherited IRAs. The update includes a discussion of the recent Supreme Court decision in Clark v. Rameker case. Trusts & Estates has generously agreed to allow us to share a complimentary link to the archived webinar.  To view this On-Demand Webinar, click here.

Portability Trivia

By Brandon Ketron & Alan S. Gassman J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), Florida State Bar Certified Specialist in Wills, Trusts & Estates, AEP (Distinguished) A review of the Portability Rules at the Heckerling Institute gives rise to the following trivia, which estate tax planning lawyers should perhaps be memorizing: True or False [the answers are at the end of this article, but see how much you know]: 1. Under Section 20.2010-2(a), the portability election can only be made on a timely filed and complete estate tax return Form 706. 2. Estates that are required to file the Form 706 ( i.e. estates…

Private: How the Right Phone Experience Can Help Grow Your Business

By Phoebe Osborn, Content Marketing Specialist When you’re handling people’s money, there’s no doubt trust is essential. As a CPA, financial advisor, or estate planner, your clients depend on your expertise to guide their finances and their futures. It’s a big deal to say the least, and in competitive fields like these, customer service can be the differentiator that sets you apart or the weakness that holds you back. When it comes to building healthy client relationships, every touchpoint matters and every interaction counts—especially the first one. While prospective clients may browse your website or scroll through online reviews before…

My Three Sons – Planning for Children of All Ages

By Alan S. Gassman J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), Florida State Bar Certified Specialist in Wills, Trusts & Estates, AEP (Distinguished) In the 1960’s sitcom, My Three Sons, Fred MacMurray played the thoughtful and patient parent of three adolescent and teenage boys, who learned many interesting lessons living a wholesome life in suburban American. Parents with children of all ages need guidance in a number of areas that are typically not mentioned during an estate or financial planning meeting. The planner who brings up the discussion points set forth below will certainly be providing his or her clients with better tailored planning…

Net, Net Gifts: Why NOW May Be the Best Time to Use This Strategy

By Michael J. Jones, CPA Estate and gift tax rates have never been lower. Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton would like to change that, making this an especially important time to engage in lifetime gift planning. As if that isn’t enough to encourage gifts, proposed Treasury Regulations would all but eliminate family business valuation discounts for lack of marketability. However, paying gift taxes is hard to swallow. For some, the solution is not to pay gift taxes. Instead, have the donee pay gift taxes. Generally, when a taxable gift is made, the donor must pay gift taxes, once the gift exceeds…

Financial Advisor: Attract Generation X & Y Clients

Download Printable Article By Mark Dreschler, President & CEO at Premier Trust and Deborah Erdmann, QKA, CISP, Vice President & Trust Officer at Premier Trust Attracting and retaining the Generation X & Y children of your current clients is an important strategy for a financial advisor to retain assets.  According to the Investment Management Consultants Association, only 2% of children keep inheritances with their parent’s financial advisor. As your core baby boomer client base continues to age and draw down assets, you’re probably already thinking of ways to generate new revenue. In this article we will discuss how to grow…