Reproduced with Permission by and Courtesy of Leimberg Information Services, Inc. (LISI) and L. Paul Hood, Jr.. For information about how to subscribe to LISI, click here. “Congratulations to counsel to the taxpayers for a slam dunk taxpayer victory! You should read this opinion. It is an important extension of defined value gifts and proves that one doesn’t need a charitable or marital “wrapper” for these things to work properly as I have argued in published articles for almost ten years. In my opinion, the bottom line is that properly designed and implemented defined value transfers are more legitimate now…
4 Estate and Tax Planning Steps to Take in an Uncertain Year
Regardless of whether Congress acts on taxes by year-end, estate planning attorney John Scroggin says taxpayers shouldn’t dally Reposted from | By Michael S. Fischer, AdvisorOne Planners will not know before year-end what changes on the tax front are in the works for 2013, according to John Scroggin, a business, tax and estate planning attorney and a popular speaker at advisor conferences based in Roswell, Ga. A last-minute deal in a post-election lame duck session of Congress, similar to the one in 2010, is highly unlikely. That means planning this year will have to take place in a vacuum,…
Tax Expert Marty Shenkman: Two Tax Mistakes to Avoid With Clients in 2012
Despite the uncertainty of where estate, income and capital gains rates will be this year, you still need to plan. Reposted from | By Marlene Y. Satter, AdvisorOne Martin Shenkman of Shenkman Law in Paramus, N.J. doesn’t hesitate to tell it like it is about tax planning in 2012: “This is not a normal year,” he says. However, that’s no excuse for what he sees as two huge mistakes that advisors and their clients often make as they quiver with uncertainty over what Congress may or may not do this year regarding taxes. Those two mistakes? Acting like an…
Leimberg Information Services: 60-Second Planner on President Obama’s Estate & Income Tax Proposal
Reproduced with Permission by and Courtesy of Leimberg Information Services, Inc. (LISI). For information about how to subscribe to LISI, click here. As mentioned previously by Robert S. Keebler in a previous blog entry, President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget was released on February 13th. Follow this link to get a full copy of the 2013 Budget. The Treasury’s Green Book containing general explanations of the Administration’s revenue proposals can be found here. We now wanted to share with you two Leimberg Information Services, Inc. 60-Second Planner podcasts in response to this budget. One podcast deals with the estate and…
IRS Extends Deadline to Make Portability Election
On February 17th, the IRS released an important Notice allowing an extension to make a portability election for certain qualifying estates. An executor of a qualifying estate that wants to obtain the extension granted by this notice must file the application for a six month extension no later than 15 months after the decedent’s date of death. With the extension granted by this notice, the Form 706 of a qualifying estate will be due 15 months after the decedent’s date of death. The first of these extensions (and underlying Form 706) will be due April 2nd. Estates qualifying for this…
U.S. Treasury Announces President Obama’s 2013 Budget and Proposed Estate Tax Law Changes
A special thank you to Robert Keebler of Keebler & Associates, LLP for the heads up that the U.S Treasury just released its FY2013 Greenbook, which provides an explanation of the Administration’s revenue proposals for Fiscal Year 2013. The Administration’s FY2013 budget proposes tax policy to boost growth, create jobs and improve opportunity for the middle class. In particular, as estate planning professionals, we are all extremely interested to see what is going to happen with the current Federal Estate Tax Exemption Amount, which is set to revert back to $1 million in 2013. According to this bill, the estate…
Interview on Dynasty Trusts with Guest Expert, Steven J. Oshins, Esq.
Steven J. Oshins, Esq. is a nationally renowned estate planning and asset protection attorney based in Las Vegas, Nevada, with clients all over the United States. Steve was the author of Nevada’s 365-year Dynasty Trust law and often works jointly with estate planning attorneys from other states on setting up dynasty trusts and other advanced level estate planning and asset protection techniques. We recently had the opportunity to interview Steve on the topic of Dynasty Trusts. UEP: Would you please start by describing how the Dynasty Trust works? Steve Oshins: Let me begin by clarifying that I’m talking about the…