Beware of Standard Provisions in LP & LLC Documents

They can inadvertently divest your client’s family from controlling the business or cost millions in additional estate, gift or income taxes! By Edwin Morrow, J.D., LL.M., MBA, CFP®, RFC® Investors increasingly use limited liability companies, limited liability partnerships or limited partnerships (“LLCs”, “LLPs” and “LPs”) to operate a trade or business, to hold real estate or hold other investment assets, as opposed to state law corporations. When only immediate family are owners, these are often referred to as family limited partnerships or limited liability companies (“FLPs” and “FLLCs”). There are numerous business, asset protection and estate planning reasons for using…

The Art of Roth Recharacterizations

By Robert S. Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), CGMA For affluent taxpayers Roth Conversions provide a significant opportunity to move funds from a tax deferred environment (as is the case with traditional IRAs) into a tax-free environment (as is the case with Roth IRAs) at a relatively reasonable current income tax cost. In general, there are eight reasons why a person may want to consider converting to a Roth IRA: Special favorable tax attributes (e.g., charitable deduction carryforwards, net operating losses (NOLs), investment tax credits, excess itemized deductions, high basis nondeductible traditional IRAs, etc.) can be taken advantage of. The…

Our Best Articles on Asset Protection & Advanced Estate Planning

As part of our December 2014 Newsletter, we are featuring a special “Best Of” issue.  Below, you will find a list of our Best Articles .  These articles are written by a variety of financial and estate planning professionals, as noted below. Top Ten Asset Protection Mistakes Attorneys Make by Steven J. Oshins, J.D., AEP (Distinguished) Another Private Letter Ruling Approves NING Trust by William D. Lipkind, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation) & Steven J. Oshins, J.D., AEP (Distinguished) Top Five Reasons to Situs Your Irrevocable Trust in a Different Jurisdiction by Steven J. Oshins, J.D., AEL (Distinguished) New Tax Haven: Puerto…

Our Top 10 Best Articles on Financial & Life Insurance Planning

As part of our December 2014 Newsletter, we are featuring a special “Best Of” issue.  Below, you will find a list of our Top 10 Articles on Financial & Life Insurance Planning.  These articles are written by a variety of financial and estate planning professionals, as noted below. Some Magical Aspects of Life Insurance by Jonathan G. Blattmachr & Matthew D. Blattmachr Insurance as the Key Ingredient of the “New” Estate Planning Summary of a Live Presentation by Martin M. Shenkman, J.D., CPA/PFS, MBA, AEP (Distinguished) Life Insurance from the Estate Planning Attorney’s Viewpoint by Steven J. Oshins, J.D., AEP…

Our Best Articles on Marketing

As part of our December 2014 Newsletter, we are featuring a special “Best Of” issue.  Below, you will find a list of our Best Articles on Marketing. These articles are written by a variety of financial and estate planning professionals, as noted below. Successful Seminar Marketing 101: Tips for Getting Started by Philip J. Kavesh The Top 10 Marketing Must-Do’s for Estate Planners by Jennifer Goddard, CEO & James Campbell, Vice President, Integrity Marketing Solutions The Top 20 Seminar Marketing Mistakes – Part 1 and Part 2 by Philip J. Kavesh 7 Tips for Making More Appointments – – Right…

Our Top 10 Best Articles on Support Staff & Executive Assistant Tips

As part of our December 2014 Newsletter, we are featuring a special “Best Of” issue.  Below, you will find a list of our Top 10 Articles on Support Staff and Executive Assistants.  All of these articles were authored and written by Kristina Schneider and Megan DeLaGarza, Executive Assistants to Philip Kavesh. Five Simple Tips for Being a More Organized Assistant 6 Ways to Better Manage Your Interruptions How “Electronically” Organized Are You? Effectively Managing Your Boss’ Busy Calendar 7 Tips for Taking Better Notes & Being More Efficient! 6 Tips for Handling Difficult Clients 8 Steps to Hiring a Great…

Our Top 10 Best Articles on Practice-Building

As part of our December 2014 Newsletter, we are featuring a special “Best Of” issue.  Below, you will find a list of our Top 10 Articles on Practice-Building.  All of these articles were authored and written by Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law. 8 Year-End Practice Building Tips to Implement RIGHT NOW Conduct a Successful “Kick-Off” Meeting with Your Firm Staff Reviews & Setting Goals at the Beginning of the New Year Fight Back Against “Commoditization” and Low-Priced Competition Blow Up Your Annual Maintenance Fee Program!…

Our Top 10 Best Articles on Tax & IRA Planning

As part of our December 2014 Newsletter, we are featuring a special “Best Of” issue.  Below, you will find a list of our Top 10 Articles on Tax and IRA Planning.  All of these articles were authored and written by Robert S. Keebler, CPA, PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), CGMA. Beneficiary Designation Problems with IRAs: More Than Just the RMD Rules! (with Kristen M. Lynch, J.D., AEP, CISP, CTFA) PLR Opens Door to Post-Death Exchanges of Non-Qualified Annuities Tax-Free! (with Michael E. Kitces, MSFS, MTAX, CFP®, CLU, ChFC, RHU, REBC, CASL) Frank Aragona Trust: What Now Constitutes Trustee “Material Participation”? Understanding…

Family Business Succcession Planning

By Brandon E. Crooks, Principal at Counsel Trust Company There are over 5.5 million family businesses in the US with an average life span of 24 years (, 2010). About 40% of family-owned businesses turn into second-generation businesses; approximately 13% are passed down successfully to a third generation, and 3% to a fourth generation or beyond (, 2010). Business owners are attractive clients due to the amount of wealth that lies within family-owned businesses. The challenge for advisors working with this group is that the business succession risks are greater than ever because nearly a third of owners have no…

2014 Year-End Tax Planning

By Robert S. Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), CGMA As we near the end of 2014, year-end tax planning again takes center stage. In this article we summarize a number of strategies that may produce substantial tax savings with just some year-end tax planning. Making Trust Distributions The tax brackets for trusts are much more compressed compared to the brackets for individuals. This suggests, if the governing instrument allows it, that trustees should consider making discretionary distributions of income to beneficiaries at the end of 2014 to reduce tax rates. Harvesting Ordinary Income Harvesting ordinary income is another part of…