You can waste a lot of time and money for you (and your associates) to travel and attend a 2 or 3 day event, or…
You (and Your Associates) Can Learn
Just What You “Need to Know”
About IRAs (and Planning for Them)
In Four Short, Inexpensive Teleconferences!
More and more wealth will be parked inside IRAs over the next few years, as qualified retirement plans are rolled over, than ever before in history. So whether you’re an attorney, accountant or financial planner, you will undoubtedly face numerous IRA questions and issues you must be ready to address. Plus, if you have more IRA planning knowledge you can enjoy a competitive (and marketing) advantage when prospective clients are shopping for an advisor!
(By the way, even if you’re already well up on the rules and planning for IRAs, here’s a quick, easy and inexpensive way to bring your associates up to speed too, so they can better assist your clients - - and you!)
We’ve brought in nationally renowned IRA expert, CPA Robert S. Keebler, to present a four-part presentation, of 90 minutes each, entitled “Just What You Need to Know About IRAs (and Planning for Them)!”.
In this plain English program designed especially for attorneys, accountants, and financial advisors, which will include valuable implementation flow charts and checklists, Bob Keebler will explain just what you need to know about IRAs:
The Basics that Every Lawyer, Accountant, and Financial Planner Needs to Know About IRAs
In this 90-minute presentation you will learn:
- Which qualified retirement plans can be rolled over into IRAs
- Rollover choices and strategies
- Key questions to ask an IRA custodian before doing the rollover
- Investment portfolio allocation principles
- Income taxation of IRA distributions
- Community and marital property rights
- Creditor rights
- Roth conversions
- Prohibited transaction rules
- Unrelated business taxable income (“UBTI”)
- Distribution requirements (both during life and after death)
- Penalties for failure to distribute properly
Income Tax Planning for IRAs
In this 90-minute presentation on you will learn:
- The four key factors in distribution planning
- The effect of non-deductible contributions
- Special rules for taxation of Roth IRAs
- Advanced Roth IRA conversion, recharacterization and loss recognition planning
- Planning for Net Unrealized Appreciation (“NUA”)
- Specific traps for the unwary: disallowed investments, prohibited transactions, UBTI, excess accumulation
Estate Planning for IRAs & Qualified Plans
In this 90-minute presentation you will learn:
- Which key federal and state laws apply to distribution and testamentary disposition of IRAs (and Qualified Plans)
- Community or marital property issues
- Special rules when the IRA owner (or plan participant) dies after a divorce
- How portability planning applies to IRAs (and Qualified Plans) inherited by the spouse
- Calculating and timing required minimum distributions (“RMDs”)
- How the RMD “stretchout” rules work for IRAs inherited by someone other than a spouse (including the impact of the Pension Protection Act on Qualified Plans)
- Common mistakes to avoid with “Inherited IRAs”
- Income in Respect of Decedent (“IRD”) Planning
- Planning for the gift of part or all of an IRA to charity
- The Combo IRA-ILIT (irrevocable life insurance trust) Strategy
Advanced Estate Planning for IRAs and IRAs Payable to Trusts
In this 90-minute presentation you will learn:
- Alternate Valuation of IRAs for estate tax purposes
- Disclaimer planning
- Accomplishing a spousal rollover when the IRA passes directly to an estate or living trust
- Special issues when “QTIP”ing an IRA
- Qualifying a trust as a “designated beneficiary” to maximize RMD stretchout
- How to designate the IRA beneficiary properly, to avoid the “no separate share” rule that can limit the stretchout
- The differences between “conduit” and “accumulation” trusts when calculating RMDs and providing creditor protection
- Post-mortem “fixes” of problematic trust provisions and beneficiary designation forms
- Common mistakes to avoid when paying IRAs to trusts
- Advanced charitable planning with IRAs
There simply isn’t another IRA program this comprehensive, while also simple and easy to attend, understand and immediately apply in your practice!
Join us on this special four-part series, entitled “Just What You Need to Know About IRAs (and Planning for Them)!”
- Program Title: Just What You Need to Know About IRAs (and Planning for Them)!
- Speaker: Robert S. Keebler
- Duration: 90 Minutes
Robert S. Keebler
CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished)

Robert S. Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished) is a partner with Keebler & Associates, LLP and is a 2007 recipient of the prestigious Accredited Estate Planners (Distinguished) award from the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. He has been named by CPA Magazine as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Practitioners in the United States and one of the Top 40 Tax Advisors to Know During a Recession. His practice includes family wealth transfer and preservation planning, charitable giving, retirement distribution planning, and estate administration. Mr. Keebler frequently represents clients before the National Office of the Internal Revenue…
The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc. and the presenter are not registered Continuing Education Sponsors and this program is not pre-approved for continuing education credit for any state or regulatory agency.
However, please note that each program includes a Certificate of Completion and, depending on the license and the regulatory agency for which governs a participant’s CE credit, some professionals may be able to self-report his or her participation and receive credit. It is the responsibility of the participant to complete any process necessary to seek self-reported CE credit for his or her participation. By registering for a teleconference (or purchasing on On-Demand program), you understand that CE credit is not guaranteed or warranted by the presenter or The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc.