How Do You Attract Doctors and Turn Them Into Clients?
If you’re looking for high net-worth clients who really need estate planning (and can afford your fees), look no further than doctors. The problem is…while doctors can be a great target audience, how do you reach them?
Here are the top 3 ways that we and others have found:
- Referrals from other professionals they work with (CPAs, financial advisors, insurance agents, etc.);
- Referrals from doctor-clients you already have; and,
- Speaking in front of captive doctor groups, like a meeting of local specialists.
Sounds elementary, but how do you open these gateways?
And once you do reach the doctors, how do you get past their busy schedule and short attention span to grab and motivate them to take action? The answer is simple. A short, sweet, entertaining seminar specially designed for doctors that hits their biggest “hot button” - - asset protection! Of course, like all marketing, “the devil is in the details.”
The good news is we already have a seminar marketing package that can help get you there. One that has been tested and proven to work, so you won’t have to spend countless hours trying to recreate the wheel, then test and refine it through trial and error. It involves leveraging the help of a doctor client that you already have and seeing how to utilize his or her connections to get you to speak before a group of his or her peers!
Quick Product Preview
We are providing a small product preview, to give you an idea of the look/feel of the PowerPoint slides and graphics (which are all customizable in modifiable versions of the presentation).
VIEW SAMPLEThe presentation covers an array of topics that address the unique concerns for doctor clients including, but not limited to, asset protection, tax reduction and estate preservation.
Not an Advanced Estate Tax or Asset Protection Expert?
That’s a huge advantage of this package! This marketing package is simple enough for doctors that you don’t have to be an advanced-level estate tax and asset protection attorney to present it! Whether you’re a basic-level estate planning attorney, financial advisor, life insurance agent, or CPA, you can successfully use this package too - - and then bring in the specialists you need to implement what you’ll cover. (After all, doctors can appreciate bringing in specialists more than anyone, right?)
Plus, in addition to marketing directly to doctors, this seminar can serve “double-duty” in that it can be used to educate other professionals (potential referral sources) about asset protection planning and then let your potential referral sources bring your new doctor clients directly to you!
Don’t Give Seminars?
No problem! You can modify all of the items that come in this package to encourage people to contact you and set up an appointment rather than attend a seminar. The seminar presentation is short and simple enough that you can utilize it in one-on-one meetings as a flip chart presentation to your prospective doctor clients and the script included in this product will help you know exactly what to say!
What’s Included in the Estate Planning for Physicians Marketing Package?
The Estate Planning for Physicians Marketing Package comes in an immediately downloadable zip file containing the following items:
- Seminar PowerPoint Presentation with 39 slides to help educate and inform prospective doctor clients about the importance of estate planning and what available advanced-level planning options they should be considering. This seminar presentation can be used in one of the following three ways:
- As a “retail” seminar directly to potential doctor clients who have been referred to you by, or are colleagues of, an existing doctor client (or to a doctor group, like a meeting of local specialists in a particular field, where you have been referred to that group by an existing doctor member.)
- As a continuing education seminar to other professionals (CPAs, Enrolled Agents, financial advisors, insurance agents, etc.) who may have doctors as clients.
- Directly with a doctor-prospect during your one-on-one meetings (as a flip chart or computer presentation).
- Seminar Script so that you will know what to say for each and every slide in tested and proven phrases and explanations that motivate prospective doctor clients to want to get their estate planning done and, most importantly, done with your firm!
- Seminar Marketing Materials featuring a tested sample wedding-style type invitation that has been used to drive interest and attendance to the seminar.
- Seminar Handouts including a seminar outline and response form to help attendees follow along. Also includes suggestions for handouts to include.
- Appointment Booking Tools including a discount certificate to help incentivize and motivate people to schedule appointments and appointment cards to help make the appointment scheduling process go over smoothly and efficiently.
- Instructions for Use so that you will be able to quickly and easily implement this product in your practice!
The seminar presentation comes in a modifiable Microsoft PowerPoint format and the seminar handouts come in a modifiable Microsoft Word format for you to be able to easily modify, edit and use in your practice.