What Can You Sell to Existing Clients?

By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law In last month’s newsletter, I discussed an often overlooked marketing strategy that many estate planning attorneys are missing – – bringing back in existing clients for a review of their plan.  The topic seems to have resonated quite a bit with our readers and my fellow colleagues, several of whom took us up on our offer to schedule a consultation with our Executive Director, Kristina Schneider, to go over how to put together a review process in place for…

Will New Legislation Kill Stretchout and the IRA Trust?

By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law Over the past couple of years, I have had a lot of colleagues ask me if pending legislation to limit IRA stretchout would then kill the IRA Inheritance Trust®.  For some time, nothing was certain.  Details of proposed legislation were vague and it was not clear exactly how it would affect IRA planning. Finally, in September of last year, under the assumption that a change in the IRA stretch law would bring in $5.5 billion over the next 10…


By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law Since I first rolled out my “IRA Inheritance Trust®” in 2001 and got the breakthrough positive IRS ruling in 2005 (PLR 200537044), many critics have circulated “alternative facts” about the trust that are simply untrue. Unfortunately, no matter how often I’ve fought off these various unwarranted attacks, the same ones keep reappearing from the dark recesses of the internet.  Worse yet, these are believed as gospel by many estate planners who could otherwise be doing their clients and their…

IRA Trusts: Conduit or Accumulation?

Download Printable Article By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law Recently, I’ve seen and heard a great deal of debate regarding the proper way to draft an IRA Trust (or what I call an IRA Inheritance Trust® and is also known as a Standalone IRA Trust and Standalone IRA Beneficiary Trust). The debate centers around whether the individual beneficiaries’ subshare trusts should, as a “default” position, be structured as conduit or accumulation trusts. Before I address this issue, let’s briefly deal with some background matters. First,…

Seminar Marketing Training, Products & Resources

Seminar Marketing Training, Products & ResourcesSeminar marketing, whether straight to the client or to professional referral sources, is one of the most effective ways to market your estate planning practice.  The key is to make sure that you know how to properly plan, market, facilitate and present seminars.  That’s where we can help with the numerous seminar marketing training, products and resources that have been assembled by one of the most experienced estate planners when it comes to seminar marketing, nationally renowned attorney, Philip Kavesh.Do you know the six reasons you should be giving seminars?  FIND OUT NOW

Training & Resources for Estate Planning Attorneys

        FOR ESTATE PLANNING ATTORNEYS If you’re an estate planning attorney running your own law practice, we are certain that you have experienced the roller coaster of ups and downs that come with running a professional practice. In recent years, living trusts and wills have become a commodity and there’s been a great deal of market competition added with the do-it-yourself kits and the cheap internet plans.  For the Estate Planning Attorney, we have a number of valuable tools to help you in your practice. Whether you’re a true solo practitioner, part of a mid-size firm, or…

Leap Your Practice!

SORRY, YOU MISSED IT! LEAP DAY WAS ON FEBRUARY 29th!  Sorry that you missed out on saving 20% off everything* on our website.Upcoming Teleconferences – Save on your registration to any upcoming educational programsAll passed teleconferences in our On-Demand Library – This is a great way for you to take advantage of huge savings on programs you may have missed!Legal Document Forms – Like our popular IRA Inheritance Trust®, Personal Asset TrustTM, and Successor Trustee ManualMarketing Tools:Consumer or “Retail” Seminar Marketing Packages – Like our Basic Living Trust and Top 10 Estate Planning Mistakes SeminarsContinuing Education or “Wholesale” Seminar Marketing…


love-your-practice-headerlove-your-practice-promotionSPECIAL PROMOTIONVALENTINE’S DAY ONLY!love-headerheart-sand-header THE L♥VE YOUR PRACTICE PROMOTION! In light of both Valentine’s Day and American Heart Month, we are pleased to bring back our special Love Your Practice Promotion!  TODAY ONLY—February 14th, 2018—you can save BIG on selected products below.  Or, if you want something else, you can purchase a product of your choice and save 20% if you purchase today.Be sure to enter the promo code LOVE when checking out and…fall in love with your practice all over again!SELECTED PRODUCTS ON SALETHE ULTIMATE PRACTICE-BUILDING LIBRARY Whether you’re looking to increase your efficiency, figure out how to hire the right…

With Estate Tax Planning Basically Dead, Here’s a Trust You Should Be Selling to a Lot of Your Clients

By Philip J. Kavesh, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), CFP®, ChFC, California State Bar Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law It’s not a Living Trust (but it does have broad application). Nor is it an Asset Protection or Medicaid Trust (though it does have some asset protection features). And, thanks to a recent Supreme Court decision, this Trust has been made even better (or more valuable). Okay, here it is. The Standalone Retirement Trust (or “IRA Beneficiary Trust”, or, as I call it, the “IRA Inheritance Trust®”). It’s simply a trust that acts as beneficiary of a client’s IRAs…