The Gathering 2022

Please join the Southern California Institute (“SCI”) for two days of shared insights, education, and collegiality. The Gathering is an annual event for all professionals in Estate, Business, and Wealth Strategies Planning. As they gather and work together they can, through collegiality and collaboration, provide the leadership our clients are seeking to offer clarity and direction for their planning needs.

The presenters are experts in their field who enjoy sharing and who give of themselves and their time. Their unique skills, wisdom, and judgment are truly invaluable. With our Thought Leader Community as your resource, you don’t have to master the answer to every client quandary. Instead you become courageously armed with the right questions and resources. This We-driven mindset is transformational for you, your practice, and your clients.



Conference Date

The event will be held San Diego , CA (detailed location to be announced later) on February 24-25, 2022. (SAVE THE DATE)




In Person Registrations TBA

Contact Information

1-858 200-1911