By Martin M. Shenkman, CPA, MBA, PFS, AEP, JD Estate planning is evolving in significant ways, and if you have not updated your planning and documents (planning always must precede documents) for the new world of estate planning, your planning will likely NOT (caps intended) work. In December 2017 what some call the Tax Cut Jobs Act of 2017 (the “2017 Tax Act”) which dramatically changed how many people should handle all tax planning (not just their estate tax planning). More than ever before your estate planning is intertwined with your income tax planning. Many (perhaps most) old wills and…
ABA Heckerling Reports from the 2018 Heckerling Institute
For the past 19 years, the American Bar Association Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law with the permission of the University of Miami School of Law, releases several extensive reports highlighting the various lectures and proceedings of the Heckerling Institute, one of the nation’s largest estate planning conferences, held every year in January. This past January 2018, marked the 52nd Annual Heckerling Institute. To view, download and access these extensive reports, please click here to visit the ABA’s website. Further, at the above website, you can also access reports from prior Heckerling Institutes as well. We, at The…
FREE WEBINAR: Adding Business Planning To Your Estate Planning Practice
If you’re an estate planning attorney, you may have been struggling to figure out what’s the “next best thing” coming to you in your practice now that estate tax planning is (and has been for the last several years) effectively dead. Business law is often an effective complement to an estate planning practice. The folks at WealthCounsel, LLC are hosting a free 60-minute webinar on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 at 10am Pacific Time (1pm Eastern Time) entitled, “Adding Business Planning To Your Estate Planning Practice” with speakers, Jeramie Fortenberry, J.D., LL.M. and Patrick Carlson, J.D., LL.M. *NOTE: This program is sponsored…
Trump Tax Act Restricts Deductibility of State Income Taxes: So What? Use a NING Trust
By Steven J. Oshins, Esq., AEP (Distinguished) The dust has settled. The Trump Tax Act has been finalized. Who stands to lose the most from the new tax rules? Those who live in a state with a high state income tax. That’s who. Prior to the Trump Tax Act, state income taxes paid were deductible against federal income tax. However, the Trump Tax Act limits the amount of the federal income tax deduction for state income taxes paid, real property taxes paid and sales taxes paid to a cumulative (yes, cumulative!) total of $10,000 per year. The $10,000 is used…
Tax Reform is Here: What You Need to Know to Advise Your Clients
By Jeramie Fortenberry, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation) Director of Education WealthCounsel, LLC The most significant tax reform package of this generation is now awaiting the President’s signature and is widely expected to be signed into law at any time. The new tax law changes the tax planning landscape, creating both pitfalls and opportunities for attorneys and the clients they serve. It is critical for business and estate planning attorneys to understand these changes and how they affect their clients. In this Thought Paper, Jeramie Fortenberry, JD, LLM, provides actionable guidance for planning under the new and different tax landscape. It includes…
Impact of Potential Tax Reform on Business Owners and Possible Steps to Take in 2017
By Edwin P. Morrow III, J.D., LL.M. (Tax), CFP®, CM&AA® On November 2, 2017, the Speaker of the House, with the backing of the President, finally introduced the long-awaited bill that represents Republican efforts at comprehensive tax reform, to be titled the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”. Of course, the Senate will propose significant changes, and there is opposition from both parties about the direction of the bill and the trillions it could add to the national debt. That said, there is a very strong chance of something close to the bill being passed this year or early next year. What are…
Top 5 Dumbest Comments Made by Estate Planners
By Steven J. Oshins, Esq., AEP (Distinguished) Having practiced estate planning for more than two decades, I have seen and heard my share of comments and representations that are true head-scratchers that often make you roll your eyes. This epidemic seems to have gotten much worse through the years, possibly because of the pressure to perform and thrive in a very competitive environment. This article will highlight some of my favorites. DUMB COMMENT #1: “Bad facts make bad law!” The “bad facts make bad law” excuse has been around for many years. Obviously, every case that has a result we…
Crowdsource Funding to Help Victims of the Las Vegas Massacre
By Martin M. Shenkman, CPA, MBA, PFS, AEP, JD, Bernard A. Krooks, JD, CPA, LLM (Taxation), CELA, AEP® (Distinguished)., and Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Esq. Introduction One of the authors just received a call to assist those helping one of the hundreds of victims of the Las Vegas shooting with some questions concerning a crowdfunding effort. What initially seemed like a simple question, which that might help one victim struggling with unfathomable challenges, following an equally unfathomable mass shooting, grew into something more. The questions grew and it became clear that they may affect the hundreds of victims of the Las…
FREE WEBINAR – Trusts: Planning and Drafting for Divorce
Speakers: Gideon Rothschild, Esq., Martin Shenkman, Esq. and Rebecca Provder, Esq. Date and Time: Thursday, June 15th, 2017 at 1pm Pacific Time (4pm Eastern Time) Course Description: Trusts are one of the most powerful tools for planning to minimize the risk to assets in a future divorce. However, in order to achieve optimal results for clients, trusts must be drafted and administered in a manner that provides protection. Traditional trust drafting often falls far short of providing the safeguards clients want. What provisions should be used in drafting trusts to achieve better results? What trust planning techniques can be used…
Portability Trivia
By Brandon Ketron & Alan S. Gassman J.D., LL.M. (Taxation), Florida State Bar Certified Specialist in Wills, Trusts & Estates, AEP (Distinguished) A review of the Portability Rules at the Heckerling Institute gives rise to the following trivia, which estate tax planning lawyers should perhaps be memorizing: True or False [the answers are at the end of this article, but see how much you know]: 1. Under Section 20.2010-2(a), the portability election can only be made on a timely filed and complete estate tax return Form 706. 2. Estates that are required to file the Form 706 ( i.e. estates…