IRA & Retirement Planning
Technical Consulting Services

12-Month Coaching Packages to Help Guide You Throughout the Year with Your Clients
and Their Biggest IRA and Retirement Planning Issues

Appleby Retirement Consulting Inc. provides technical consultation on the rules and regulations that govern Traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, Defined Contribution plans including 401(k)s, and 403(b)s.  With one of the nation’s leading IRA and retirement planning experts, Denise Appleby, MJ, CISP, CRC, CRPS, CRSP, APA, advisors can receive guidance on the following:


Distributions (including in-service withdrawals, NUA,
beneficiary distribution options and RMDs)

Rollovers and transfers

Transfers due to divorce and QDROs

Roth conversions, rollovers and recharacterizations

RMD Calculations

Correcting IRA mistakes

Retirement (employer) plan suitability for small business
owners (including review of plan documents)

NOTE: Our expertise does NOT include the funding and design of defined benefit plans, consulting on the rules that govern insurance products held in qualified plans, Roth Conversion analysis or IRA Trusts and legal drafting guidance. We may recommend other experts who may be able to assist you on matters outside of our technical expertise and/or need to consult with other experts. This may be subject to additional fees outside of our IRA Consulting Subscription (of which you will be quoted in advance and prior to any charge that may be assessed). Technical consultation is educational in nature and cannot be considered tax or legal advice.

You can spend hours and money trying to find the answers to your IRA questions, or pay a small retainer under which you can get your answers by simply sending an email or calling. Questions ranging from the simple to the complex, including, but not limited to:

  • Is my client eligible to make a contribution to a Roth/Traditional IRA?
  • Can a particular type of retirement account be rolled to another particular type of retirement account?
  • My client missed the 60-day rollover deadline, is there a fix for that?
  • What are the distribution options for my client’s inherited IRA/401(k)?
  • Is my client eligible to set up and maintain a SIMPLE IRA?
  • Is a SEP IRA suitable for my client?
  • Which employer plan is suitable for my client who owns a small business?
  • How to fix an incorrect 1099-R/5498?
  • Did the IRA custodian report my client’s distribution correctly?
  • My client wants to rollover a 401(k) to an IRA, what are some of the key factors that should be considered?
  • My client is a spouse beneficiary. What are the special rules that should be taken into consideration for an inherited IRA?
  • My client did not take the RMD for last year. How can that be fixed?
  • What is the better way to move retirement accounts, both owner and inherited accounts, to avoid mistakes?
  • Can my client rollover their inherited 401(k)/pension/403(b)?

These just touch the surface of the range of topics that you can get help with.

Here's what a few of your fellow colleagues have had to say about Appleby IRA Consulting:

Just finished a client engagement with Denise and couldn't be more pleased and impressed.
I brought her into a complex IRA and retirement plan issue
where custodians were in conflict on how to make the situation right for my client.
Denise immediately had a firm understanding of the facts,
and quickly had a professional response in my hands to present to the custodians.
The custodians quickly came to a remedy that the client needed.
I will work with Denise again and would refer her in an instant.

—J. Derieck Hodges, CFP®


Thanks for your help! I was getting mixed signals from other “professionals”
when I remembered to contact you!
You have a way of explaining that is clear, concise, and easy for me to understand.
I won’t forget where the REAL source of the facts are in the future!

—Randy G.


Last year I had a prospect that had an unusual question about
a Roth conversion and re-characterization.
I did not know the exact answer and I was in a time crunch.
I contacted Denise Appleby via email and she responded very quickly with the answer.
This saved me a lot of time researching the answer but, more importantly,
Denise Appleby helped me gain a new client that eventually
moved over half a million dollars in AUM and insurance products to our firm.
Denise Appleby is one of the premiere advisor resources in the IRA industry.

—Steven G. Johnson, Director
Retirement Solutions Group, Inc.


Few people know as much about retirement plans as Denise Appleby.
Because the cost of making common, critical retirement plan-related mistakes
and oversights can be extremely high, my ability to rely on Denise,
her knowledge and expertise is critically important to my practice.
Having someone like Denise can mean the difference between helping clients
parlay their retirement savings into a family fortune or subjecting them to excess, unnecessary taxes.
With Denise as a strategic partner, I know that my clients have the right retirement plans,
that they are safe, secure, and that they are properly incorporated into their estate planning.

—Rich Winer, Associate Vice President & Wealth Advisor

Customize Your Consulting
Based on Your Practice’s Needs

               Single Advisor                           






               2 to 5 Advisors           








Requires 12-month commitment and then is renewed automatically on a month-to-month basis with a 30-day cancellation policy. 
For information about your payment processing or subscription, please contact The Ultimate Estate Planner, Inc. at 1-866-754-6477 or by e-mail at  For IRA questions or to speak with Ms. Appleby, please contact the phone number/e-mail below. 

If you would like to create a customized consulting plan,
please contact us at 973-313-9877 or



Denise Appleby, MJ, CISP, CRC, CRPS, CRSP, APA, is an author, consultant, trainer, and speaker on the tax laws and operations compliance that govern IRAs and employer sponsored retirement plans. She is the owner of Appleby Retirement Plans Consulting, located on the Internet at Appleby Consulting Inc. and is the creator and CEO of The Retirement Dictionary which is a free consumer resource.

Denise’s consulting practice focuses on protecting retirement savings accounts from costly mistakes.

One simple mistake can cause an IRA, 401(k) etc. to lose years of accumulation and growth. Denise works with advisors to help ensure that their clients avoid these mistakes, by simplifying the tax code and other governing rules and regulations. When possible, Denise helps to correct mistakes that have already been made, and have helped individuals save from a few hundred to millions of dollars by avoiding and/or correcting mistakes.

Denise is a frequent speaker at seminars, where she explains how to prevent mistakes that are often made with transactions for IRAs and employer plans, and how to fix such mistakes where possible.

Denise’s retirement-plans-related experiences include working as a retirement plans product manager, training manager, compliance consultant, technical help desk manager, and writer. She has written over 700 articles for many financial newsletters including , Investopedia, and Ed Slott’s IRA Advisor. She is also co-author of the Roth IRA Answer Book, and the SIMPLE, SEP, and SARSEP Answer Book published by Wolters Kluwer.

Denise has appeared on CNBC’s “Business News,” where she gave insights on saving and planning for retirement. She received a Masters of Jurisprudence (M.J.) in Employee Benefits from The John Marshall Law School and a B.A. in Sociology from Rutgers State University. She has earned the following professional designations: The Accredited Pension Administrator (APA) from the National Institute of Pension Administrators; the Certified IRA Services Professional (CISP) designation from the Institute of Certified Bankers; the Chartered Retirement Plans Specialist (CRPS) designation from the College for Financial Planning; Certified Retirement Services Professional (CRSP) designation from the Institute of Certified Bankers; and the Certified Retirement Counselor (CRC) designation from the International Foundation for Retirement Education (InFRE).