Thanks to The Trust Advisor and Alaska Trust Company for allowing us the opportunity to replay a special audio teleconference rebroadcast of the special program entitled, “The Future of Trusts, Wills & Estate Planning: Predictions from Futurist Jonathan G. Blattmachr that May Impact Your Clients’ Income, Wealth and Lifestyle” with speakers, Jonathan G. Blattmachr, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation) and Douglas Blattmachr on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 9am Pacific (12pm Eastern).
On this special 60-minute teleconference replay, you will learn:
- How electronic wills will shape the future of estate planning
- Where asset protection planning is going and why
- How directed trust arrangements will shape the future of investing in the next 10 years
- How outsourcing will help both estate planners and financial advisors alike
- Why services like LegalZoom will be the new norm for services providers going forward
- Why brick and mortar offices will become an estate planner’s ball and chain
- And much more!
Program Title: The Future of Trusts, Wills & Estate Planning: Predictions from Jonathan Blattmachr that May Impact Your Clients’ Income, Wealth and Lifestyle
Date: Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Time: 9am Pacific (10am Mountain, 11am Central, 12pm Eastern)
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: $159 for Immediate Download / $209 for Printed Materials & CD (Please note that no refunds will be issued once purchased)
Speakers: Jonathan G. Blattmachr, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation) and Douglas Blattmachr
Moderator: Barbara Kotlyar, Contributing Editor at The Trust Advisor
Registration Includes: Participation on live teleconference replay (no Q&A), Handout Materials, an MP3 Audio Recording (sent following the teleconference) and the opportunity to receive CE Credit*.
*IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT: This particular program has been submitted for one(1) hour of continuing education credit with the regulatory agencies listed below courtesy of The Trust Advisor. However, please be advised that while multiple professionals in one office are granted permission to access of the handout materials and may listen to the teleconference replay, only one person will be able to receive continuing education credit per registration. By default, this person is the individual listed on the registration unless we are informed otherwise in writing to events@ultimateestateplanner.com prior to the replay of this program on October 30, 2013 at 9am PT. Any additional professionals seeking continuing education credit for participation in this teleconference replay will have to register separately. This program has been submitted to the following regulatory agencies for continuing education credit:
- CFA Institute: 1 hour of professional development credit (submitted for approval)
- SCPE: 1 hour of CE credit through the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (submitted)
- CFP Board and IMCA: 1 hour CE credit (submitted for approval)