Nationally renowned estate planning and asset protection attorney, Steven J. Oshins, J.D., AEP (Distinguished) of Oshins & Associates, LLC has just added a partial-year update to his popular 4th Annual Domestic Asset Protection Trust State Rankings Chart.
The primary change made to the chart was that on the previous version of the chart, Alaska was rated #3. On the updated chart, Alaska has moved down to #5, as the prior version had a notation that it was being ranked third assuming that Alaska’s attempted legislative change from a 4-year SOL to a 2-year SOL was going to pass. It didn’t pass, so Steve felt this impacted the ratings and that a chart update was necessary. Further, it should be noted that this change is not intended as a negative reflection on Alaska, which is clearly a first-tier DAPT state and is one of the best.
To download Steve’s updated 4th Annual Domestic Asset Protection Trust State Rankings Chart, click here.
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