If you’re running your own estate planning practice, chances are you’re stressed and even feeling a bit burnt out.
Running your own law practice is no easy thing to do. Meeting with and engaging clients. Dealing with difficult cases and situations. Getting documents ready to sign. Then, on top of the lawyering stuff, coping with the everyday business challenges. Hiring the right people. Making sure they’re properly trained and working efficiently. Making sure that your employees are getting along and you’re managing any conflicts that may arise. Figuring out how to get new clients in the door. Making sure you meet payroll and pay yourself. And, once in a while, enjoying a sanity break yourself!
None of these business essentials were taught to you in law school. And there are very few (if any!) continuing education courses that address these challenges and are specifically dedicated to an estate planning law practice.
So, what are you to do? Give up? Keep doing what you’ve been doing and hope for a different result? Rely on trial and error?
Would Your Practice (and Your Life) Be Better Off If
You Had Tested and Proven Answers To…
How to get the right kind of prospects coming in and more of them becoming clients on a consistent basis?
How to get their estate planning documents out the door efficiently and in a timely manner (and without working ridiculous hours)?
How to assemble the support team you need, with administrative staff and associate attorneys who not only work together efficiently, but are incentivized and motivated to help make your firm profitable?
What kind of system to use to service your past clients and bring in more consistent revenue from them (instead of always having to hunt for new ones)?
How to utilize the newest 21st century marketing to generate business from the internet and a proven process to generate client referrals, so you reduce the cost, time and pressure of having to market your services?
How you can arrange your life so you do only the tasks you love to do and are the highest and best use of your time? (Are you still managing your own calendar? Taking calls directly routed to you? Checking and monitoring your voicemail and e-mail? Well, you shouldn’t be!)
How you can enjoy the profits from a well-oiled machine and the freedom to take more time off to spend with your family and loved ones, travel the world or do other things you’ve always wanted to do?
And how do you build your practice toward a feasible, profitable exit or retirement strategy, which will reward you for all your blood, sweat, tears, and years that you’ve spent developing it?
All of these can be learned and become a reality for you,
not just a dream.
But, you have to take the first step. Attend two in-person days with us, The Ultimate Estate Planner, at an event unlike any others out there or any you’ve ever attended, “The Ultimate Level”.
This isn’t just a one-size-fits-all program where you’re left trying to figure out how to apply what you learned to your particular practice. You will walk away with a specific action plan and key implementation strategies that will help you take your practice to the next level. Many past attendees have told us that this program has reinvigorated their passion for their careers, saved their marriages, and helped them fulfill their dreams of running a successful practice as well as improve the quality of their lives. Here’s what one attendee recently had to say about the event…
"After attending The Ultimate Level, my revenue went from
$12,000 per month to over $100,000 per month!
And I’m super excited to share that I just hit $1 MILLION of revenue
in only my second year of practice! I cannot recommend them enough to my colleagues. I have come back to the event with
my entire team to continue to improve my results!"
—Leigh Cowden, J.D.
Maryville/Knoxville, Tennessee & Palm Beach, Florida
WealthCounsel Member
If you are serious about finally gaining control over your business, making it the dream practice you’ve always wanted, reducing your stress and improving the quality of your life, then be sure to join us at our next event!
May 1 & 2, 2025
The Woodlands (Houston), Texas
Estate Planning Attorneys
(whether you've got 5, 10, 20 or 30+ years of experience)
Plus Key Members of Their Firm
- Office Manager
- Marketing Director
- Executive / Personal Assistant
- Paralegals / Legal Assistant
- Other Key Associate Attorneys
MAX ATTENDANCE: 10 firms (or 30 people)
- Live, interactive 2-day in-person course (breakfast and lunch provided)
- Welcome Reception to network with your colleagues and the presenters
- Specific tips and guidance on the key issues most estate planning attorney business owners are facing
- Program binder with printed handout materials (to follow along and take notes!)
- Over 80 practical and useful Exhibits (Checklists, Forms and Practice Tools), including forms in modifiable format (where applicable)
- For selected firms, a personal consultation (before the group) by nationally renowned estate planning attorney, Phil Kavesh, and Practice Success Coach, Kristina Schneider (firms are selected by Phil Kavesh in preparation for the event)
- Live Q&A and networking opportunities with fellow Estate Planning attorney colleagues (and their staff!)
- Special product discounts and promotions
$3,495 $2,495
per person
(upon available space)
*NOTE: Add additional staff/associate registrations during the checkout process.
CALL 1.866.754.6477
NOTE: Your registration is not guaranteed until
a formal registration confirmation from someone
in our office is sent via e-mail (separate from the receipt).
“Within 2 weeks of attending The Ultimate Level, we scheduled and held our first seminar. We followed several of the techniques we picked up at the event and we got 6 estate plans from that seminar alone, which more than paid for our investment to attend the event! I am so glad that my attorney brought me to the event, because I was able to really help him implement right away when we returned and see immediate results! Thank you!”
—Vien N.
Support Staff Member
Houston, Texas
"The first year after attending The Ultimate Level, my firm’s revenue went up 33%. I was on track to do the same, but then COVID hit and Phil’s guidance has helped us through that time too! I can’t say enough about this program.
It’s phenomenal."
—Kevin Von Tungeln, Esq.
WealthCounsel® Member
Lancaster, California
"The Ultimate Level is an excellent training program! It’s a true testament to what Phil Kavesh has done by taking what works in his own law practice and distilling it down so that there’s something for everybody. No matter where you are from or where you’re at in your practice—whether you have been in practice for 20 years, have been practicing for 5-10 years, or are just starting out—there’s something for everyone to take away from this program."
— Scott Alperin, Attorney
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Member of WealthCounsel, ElderCounsel and NAELA
"I have to tell you, when my partner and I came to attend The Ultimate Level, we knew we had some great things going for us and our practice. We were literally two kids who created our law practice at our kitchen table and it's grown into what it is today and it's beautiful. But, even though we knew that the firm had so many good things going for it, we also knew that we were off track on some really major things. We honestly didn’t know how to get back on track and we were really kind of at the end of the road, not sure if we were even doing anything right. Thanks to The Ultimate Level, we discovered that not only can we get back on track, but that we can do so easily. This program really reignited and reinvigorated my passion for what it is that we do. Thank you!"
— Stephanie Prestridge, Attorney
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Member of NAEPC
"I am always going to these types of events and I must say that The Ultimate Level has truly and sincerely been one of my favorites—it’s practical, Phil has been there and he has done it. He is doing it. I am going back to the office with a lot of tools and that’s HUGE. With many other programs, I always feel like, “This is great, but what do I do with it?” and I don’t feel that way at all leaving this program."
— Shadi Shaffer, Attorney
Irvine, California
Member of WealthCounsel
“I attended The Ultimate Level event in February and Phil presented a number of fresh new ideas and rejuvenated some tested and proven marketing techniques that I (and many other attendees) had simply forgotten about and overlooked. He personally sat us down in front of him and asked what he could do to help us in our practices. Invaluable!!
I wrote down five important actions and have only been able to implement three of them so far and, my goodness, what an impact Phil has had on my practice (once again!). Phil is a great mentor and I also gleaned a number of great ideas from my fellow colleagues in attendance as well. I’ve been so busy with new business over the past three months since I attended The Ultimate Level that I can hardly handle it all! My revenue stream has dramatically increased since I attended Phil’s program!
If you attend The Ultimate Level and are able to take away even four or five of the ‘golden nuggets’ you will receive, I can promise you that it will be well worth your time, effort and investment!”
– Bruce Kiselstein, Attorney
Mt. Prospect, Illinois
Original Missing Link Boot Camp Attendee
“This has been a fabulous two and a half days. Everything about the program was relevant and important. I loved the one-on-one consultations with the group contributions. Not just for myself, but to hear the experiences of others and everyone’s’ suggestions for solutions. I can’t even begin to thank you enough for all that you have shared with me this past weekend and for what I’ve gotten out of your Ultimate Level program.”
– Stewart Fleisher, Attorney
Denver, Colorado
“The Ultimate Level was far better the second time. I realized that there’s so much stuff I missed from the first program. I found myself writing down notes and realizing that there were things that I had wrote down to do from the first program that I haven’t had a chance to implement. This time I brought back my assistant so that she can help me implement and actually get stuff done! I am so glad I came back!”
– Peter Shelton, Attorney
Oakland, California
Member of WealthCounsel
“This has been an amazing program. I like to number my notes and I’m up to 232 different thoughts and ideas to take away from this program and implement in my practice. This weekend has really helped reinforce and show me that I haven’t been doing a good job of actually blocking time to work on my business, so that’s the first thing that I’m going to be doing when I get back.”
– David Edwards, Attorney
Springfield, Illinois
Member of WealthCounsel
“Phil has been helping me with my practice—no, helped me build my practice over the last 20 years—and I have to say, everything Phil says is right! Every time I have tweaked something, it’s been wrong. Everything works, just like he says and it’s proven and tested to work!”
– Albert Vacek, Attorney
Houston, Texas
Member of WealthCounsel and ElderCounsel
“It’s refreshing to see an attorney that views his law practice as a business and that it’s not something that needs to be looked down or frowned upon. It is inspiring to see an attorney that is so successfully and efficiently running an estate planning practice. I really appreciate your transparency throughout the program and your willingness to share this with us through this program.”
– Patrick Phancao
Irvine, California
Member of WealthCounsel
“The Ultimate Level is set up so that it doesn’t matter where you are in your practice, there’s something for everyone, whether you have been practicing for a few years or for a very long time. I think that’s a huge testament to the program and how valuable it is.”
– Nicole Wipp, Attorney
Milford, Michigan
Member of WealthCounsel, Elder Counsel, and Lawyers With Purpose
“I always say that it’s hard to know what it’s like to stand on Jupiter until you’ve been there. I was having a really hard time getting my hands around how I was going to be able to take my practice to the next level that I wanted to take it—and I didn’t know what it was like to stand on Jupiter before the program, but I can honestly say that I do now! Thanks, Phil!”
– Kirk Kaplan, Attorney
Las Vegas, Nevada
Martindale Lawyer Rating AV
Member of WealthCounsel
“Wow, I have been in HR for 20 years and we just received the most fabulous training I have ever seen focused specifically on the estate planning practice. Not only the training, but the hands-on tools to actually implement what we learned. This has been great!”
– Kim Kaplan, Staff Member from Kaplan Law Group
Las Vegas, Nevada
“As someone that helps support our firm in its day-to-day operations, I really want to thank you for giving the staff the opportunity to attend. I think if the program was just limited to attorneys, people would have a much more difficult time implementing what they learned. It was so beneficial and motivating to have Phil explain to the attorneys how much the staff really brings to the table.”
– Vicki Kordakis, Staff Member from Cunningham Legal Group
Auburn, California