Now, more than ever, it has become increasingly harder to run a successful estate planning practice. The increased “permanent” estate tax exemption has reduced the amount of planning needed for clients and it’s become necessary for estate planners to figure out something new and exciting to offer clients.
But, wouldn’t it be nice to help your existing clients and also make more revenue, without having to revise their estate plans or sell a maintenance plan?
For over 20 years, our Successor Trustee Manual has proven to be a great addition to Phil’s law firm. This Manual is based upon over 43 years of unique experience in handling over 4,500 trust administrations after clients have passed. Its contents, however, are generic and can apply to just about any Living Trust plan. The Successor Trustee Manual contains over 150 pages chock-full of helpful, plain-English checklists and step-by-step procedures which will definitely prove invaluable to your clients and their Successor Trustees, by helping minimize potential legal fees, aggravation and anxiety!
Its contents, however, are generic enough to just about any Living Trust plan from any state. This Manual is so clearly instrumental to the proper implementation of a client’s plan, that it is an easy, “no-brainer” purchase decision (either separately or as something you add to new plans you do and command a higher fee or use as a “throw-in” to convince prospects to do business with you!).
You will definitely want to add this great product to your practice right away!
To preview a chapter of the Manual, simply complete the request below and we will e-mail you a chapter to review and help you make your purchase decision.
NOTE: This Manual is currently not available for purchase by the general public. If you’re a Trustor or a Successor Trustee of a Living Trust and need some legal advice, please contact qualified legal counsel located in your state. If you need assistance locating an attorney, please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to help you find an attorney in your area.
What’s Included in The Successor Trustee Manual Package?
This is a downloadable product that includes the following items:
- Modifiable Successor Trustee Manual with 150+ easy-to-follow pages chock-full of helpful, plain-English checklists and step-by-step procedures which will definitely prove invaluable to your clients and their Successor Trustees, by helping minimize potential legal fees, aggravation and anxiety! (View the Trustee Manual Table of Contents)
- Client Marketing Letter & Flyer to help inform your clients of this unique product and get them to start ordering Manuals from you!
- Simple PowerPoint Presentation and Script so that you have the necessary tools to create a brief video presentation of your own or utilize this in your one-on-one meetings or other seminars. Sample video of attorney Phil Kavesh presenting the PowerPoint presentation included.
- One-on-One Sales Script to help you sell more of these Manuals to your existing clients and to use it for marketing leverage to help you close more estate planning and estate administration cases.
The Successor Trustee Manual Package includes modifiable documents in Microsoft Word format for you to be able to easily edit and customize. There is very little customization necessary, except for your firm’s name and contact information. Any references to California law (which are few and minimal) have been highlighted for you to make modifying the Trustee Manual easier.
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Frequently Asked Questions about The Successor Trustee Manual
Below are common questions that customers have about this particular product that might be helpful to you in your purchasing decision:
- Q: I’m not in California. Will the Trustee Manual still apply to me and my clients?
A: Absolutely! While drafted for Phil’s law firm, which is based in California, we designed this Manual to be as generic and as least state-specific as possible. The Manual is written in plain-English and is really intended to give a Successor Trustee enough information about what to do (and what not to do) when called to act, but it advises Successor Trustees to seek professional guidance from a qualified estate planning attorney, CPA, and financial advisor. Also, keep in mind that you have the flexibility to customize and make the Trustee Manual whatever you want it to be.
- Q: I’m not an attorney. Can I still purchase the Trustee Manual?
A: Yes. The Manual is not intended to provide any kind of legal advice to clients and/or their Successor Trustees. It would be recommended for a non-attorney to consider adding additional disclaimers throughout the Manual to make it very clear to consumers that you are not an attorney and that the Manual is not intended to provide legal advice of any kind.
- Q: Can I see a list of the Table of Contents?
A: Yes, please click here to view the Trustee Manual Table of Contents.
- Q: How much does Phil’s law firm sell these Manuals for and how does he present it to the clients?
A: Phil’s law firm sells the Successor Trustee Manual for $199 each and $99 for any additional Manuals. He has certain estate planning packages that might include this Manual in the total fixed fee and he also utilizes the Trustee Manual in the estate administration process to help engage more clients and provide additional guidance to any Successor Trustee prospects and clients. He provides clients a professionally produced vinyl binder with gold embossing of his law firm’s name and logo (as shown on the right). This Manual matches the same kind of Manuals that the Living Trust, Beneficiary Manual, IRA Inheritance Trust® and other plans that may be presented to the clients. This particular binder material is currently discontinued by the manufacturer. Once an updated Manual has been designed and produced, we will provide binder vendor information where you can get customized binders. (NOTE: The sample binder provided with this package will NOT look like the binder shown here. Information about how you can acquire binders like the ones used in Phil Kavesh’s law firm will be provided to you in your package.)
- Q: How do I get any updates to the Trustee Manual?
A: The Trustee Manual has not required a whole lot of updates or maintenance since its original publication. The Estate Tax Chapter may need to be updated each year to reflect the estate tax value, claiming an “as of” year. Keep in mind that the Trustee Manual was intended to be written in plain English and does not require a lot of updates, maintenance, or on-going service (by Phil’s law firm for its clients, by us for our purchasers/licensees, and by you for your own clients). If we do have any major updates to this product, we will notify any prior purchasers and, depending on the update, there may be a fee to purchase the update.
The Successor Trustee Manual is an invaluable addition to our firm’s Living Trust Package, as well as a great stream of income as a standalone product to market and sell to our existing clients. Implementing this package has resulted in a measurable increase in our average revenue per client and has created a stream of “checks in the mail” as we market this great product to our client database with the marketing materials included. I highly recommend it for any Living Trust-centered practice!